Free Palestine Melbourne - Freedom and Justice for Palestine and its People.

Letters to The Australian

Israel must be strong One can argue ad nauseam regarding Israel’s conservative political parties and their idiosyncracies (“Netanyahu must steer ship of state”, 28/12). Despite national opposition, past Israeli governments have returned strategically important regional areas to Arab overlords. The result has been catastrophic, militarily, with many Israeli lives lost. Until at least one influential […]


Palestinians ‘weren’t there at all’– Netanyahu tells credulous Jordan Peterson

Palestinians ‘weren’t there at all’– Netanyahu tells credulous Jordan Peterson BY PHILIP WEISS  DECEMBER 14, 2022 ( ) Conservative scholar/media star Jordan Peterson turned over a new leaf this fall by touring Israel with the ideologue Ben Shapiro and dining with Benjamin Netanyahu. Now Peterson has published an interview with Netanyahu titled “Does Israel Have a Right […]

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