Free Palestine Melbourne - Freedom and Justice for Palestine and its People.

‘Defending the Indefensible’: What Israel’s new government means for Jewish students abroad

Defending the Indefensible’: What Israel’s New Government Means for Jewish Students Abroad As Israel’s most right-wing and reactionary government to date begins enacting its policies, Jewish students thousands of miles away feel the burden of being identified with it (Haaretz, 10th January, 2023) ( ) Until the recent election, though, Israel still had the benefit of […]


Customers claim they were lured into foreign exchange trading and lost hundreds of thousands of dollars

Customers claim they were lured into foreign exchange trading and lost hundreds of thousands of dollars 7.30 / By Michael Atkin (Australian ABC, 9/1/2023) Posted Mon 9 Jan 2023 at 11:03amMonday 9 Jan 2023 at 11:03am, updated Mon 9 Jan 2023 at 5:12pmMonday 9 Jan 2023 at 5:12pm ( ) Former customers of an Australian company claim they were lured into […]


JOINT MEDIA RELEASE: Civil society organisations welcome the Future Fund’s exclusion of Elbit Systems, and call on the Federal and Victorian Governments to drop Elbit or risk complicity in serious violations of international law 

15 March 2022 | For immediate release Civil society organisations working for human rights for Palestinians and others welcome the news of Australia’s sovereign wealth fund, the Future Fund’s exclusion of Israeli arms manufacturer, Elbit Systems Limited from its investment portfolio because of allegations of its involvement in the production of cluster munitions. The organisations call on […]