Free Palestine Melbourne - Freedom and Justice for Palestine and its People.

Media Release: Senator David Shoebridge to Address final Palestine Rally of 2023

by admin

28 December 2023 – for immediate release

On Saturday at 12pm, protestors will gather at the State Library for Melbourne’s final pro-Palestine rally of 2023. 

Greens Senator David Shoebridge will join a number of speakers, including a representative of School Students for Palestine, in addressing the rally. The protestors will then march to Parliament in coordination with Victoria Police.

“What the world is currently witnessing is not self-defence,” The Australians Greens stated on their website last month. “This is an indiscriminate campaign of collective punishment. Australia has been complicit, aiding and abetting the state of Israel with weak words and weapon exports.”

Organisers are proud to end the year with an unblemished record of twelve peaceful mass rallies in the centre of Melbourne. 

“Despite the horrors occurring daily in Gaza, despite our unspeakable grief and despite the provocations of Zionists, Free Palestine Melbourne has organised 12 peaceful, family-friendly rallies in a row,” said Muayad Ali of Free Palestine Melbourne. “We are proud of what we have achieved and that people of all backgrounds and religions, especially Jewish people, can feel safe as we stand together in solidarity with Palestine.”

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