Palestinian Prisoners Day zoom rally
Zoom Rally to Free Prisoners from Rikers Island to Palestine. #PalestinianPrisonersDay: JVP’s Executive Director, Stefanie Fox hosted an incredible lineup of speakers at a Zoom Rally of more than 500:
Speaker included:
Marc Lamont Hill, Professor of Media Studies and Urban Education at Temple University
Ahed and Bassem Tamimi, Nabi Saleh, Palestine
Mariame Kaba, Organizer and Educator
Arab Marwan Barghouti, son of Palestinian political leader and hunger strike organizer Marwan Barghouti
Dareen Tatour, Poet
Randa Wahbe, Al-Shabaka and Addameer
Brad Parker, Defense for Children International, Palestine
Azadeh Shahshahani, Legal & Advocacy Director, Project South; past president, National Lawyers Guild
Lex Steppling, Director of Policy and Campaigns, Dignity and Power Now
Andrea James, Executive Director, National Council for Incarcerated and Formerly Incarcerated Women and Girls