Free Palestine Melbourne - Freedom and Justice for Palestine and its People.

Palestine Remix

A fascinating site that not only has many great resources on Palestine but allows the visitor to create their own story, or remix, from the available content.

Our interactive database of more than 530 Palestinian villages destroyed during the creation of Israel marks the first time that the data contained in the Atlas of Palestine (Salman Abu Sitta, 2004) has been digitized.

  • Around 30 documentaries available in several languages
  • Transcripts of all documentaries
  • Complete timeline of major historical events spanning from 1799 till present day. The timeline is linked to specific scenes in the documentaries.
  • Vanishing Palestine: An annotated video tracking land control and population shifts over the past century.
  • Drone images: Beautiful videos taken high above several historical cities
  • Database of destroyed villages: Enter the name of a village that existed prior to 1948; find out what happened to it
  • Terminology: A list of frequently used, and misused, political terms
  • Quizzes: A fun way to check your knowledge on Palestine