Dear members,
Thank you for your solidarity and support during the last few weeks as we watched with horror Israel’s aggression and genocidal policies in Gaza, and ethnic cleansing in Jerusalem.
The tide is turning! We have seen this in the overwhelming number of people who marched with us in all major cities around the country. Tens of thousands gathered to express solidarity and to assure us that despite all of the silencing and attempts at erasure we have faced from the media and other power structures, our voices today are louder than ever.
At its core, the Palestinian cause is an anti-racist and anti-colonial struggle. We fight to dismantle the oppressive structures of settler colonialism imposed on Palestinians, including the system of apartheid in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, the illegal and punitive blockade on Gaza, and the discriminatory laws that sustain and protect these structures. We fully recognise that our struggle is interconnected with other campaigns for decolonisation and justice both here in Australia and around the world, and we stand in proud solidarity with First Nations peoples.
As our movement continues to expand and grow, we urge everyone to continue to stand up against all forms of racism and xenophobia, including Islamophobia, antisemitism, and Zionism.
We have achieved a lot in the past few weeks, but sadly our struggle is far from over. While the ceasefire is a welcome step and a much needed reprieve for Palestinians in Gaza, they still suffer collective punishment in the form of a cruel and illegal blockade. In Jerusalem, plans to ethnically cleanse the Sheikh Jarrah neighbourhood are still underway. Palestinians in Israel endure a myriad of social, legislative and other challenges that Jewish citizens do not face, while Palestinians in the occupied West Bank face daily humiliation in the creeping theft of their land through forced evictions, demolition of homes, and restrictions upon their freedom of movement. Meanwhile, six million Palestinian refugees remain unable to exercise their inalienable right to return to their ancestral lands.
We must continue to demand an immediate and urgent end to the ongoing war crimes, human rights abuses, and violations of international law that Israel conducts on a daily basis with full impunity. We also demand that our federal and state governments suspend all ties with Israel until a just solution is achieved, and the Palestinians are able to live in peace and equality in their ancestral lands.
We will continue to demand freedom, justice, and equality for all Palestinians, from the river to the sea!
Best regards
Organising Committee
Let’s act to stop another attack on the people of Gaza. Sign this petition and share it with your family and friends. We know that together we can do this!
To sign the petition go to
Closing date: 23 June 2021