Free Palestine Melbourne - Freedom and Justice for Palestine and its People.

Our ‘right’ to be over it

Our ‘right’ to be over it

Haven’t we heard it all before, that Victorians have the “right” to publicly protest.

However, under the Andrews/Allan governments, the consistent claim that we, as a democratic society, are given what we desire is bunkum.

We, the people, who pay dearly for our legitimate rights to walk freely, to drive, to travel on public transport, to be protected from criminal behaviour, to attempt to run our businesses and pick our kids up from school, are being discriminated against.

As the Herald Sun editorial (“Tolerance Worn Thin”, 8/9) so accurately pinpoints, “…a balance must be struck between people’s right to express political views and the majority of Melburnians’ right to the peaceful enjoyment of their city”.

Citizens ought not to be forced to give birth on the side of a freeway due to protests.

In this new age of public disrespect, our entire community is held captive for wars in Gaza and Ukraine and our Jewish citizens are forced to barricade their homes and schools for fear of intimidation and physical attack.

Once a haven of multicultural and social tolerance and respect, Victoria is fast degenerating into despicable anarchy and social chaos.

The time of monitoring protests is over, it’s time to start arresting and fining all involved in public disruption.

Lyle Geyer, Essendon

Cost of protests

How come we have Palestinian and Land Force expo demonstrations and so many more protests?

I would have thought the cost of living would have generated the biggest demonstration of all time.

I can only assume the cost-of-living is not so very important to some.

John Stork, Middle Park

Article link:
Article source: Herald-Sun | Letters | 15 September 2024


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