Free Palestine Melbourne - Freedom and Justice for Palestine and its People.

Not to be missed

FORUM – Al Tatbia3: Freedom or Normalisation? Palestine, Israel and the Arab World

Wednesday 10 February 2021, 8pm to 9.30pm (AEST)
Register here

Further details on EVENTS page.

We’re really delighted Dr Samah Sabawi is joining us on the panel. For those who don’t know her, Samah is a Palestinian-Australian playwright, author and poet. Outside the realm of art, she is a policy advisor to Al-Shabaka – الشبكة, the Palestinian Policy Network and the host of the new podcast and web series The Book Room with Samah Sabawi. Samah has also joined Nasser Mashni and FPM for a promotional interview on 3CR Community Radio that will air at 9.30am this Saturday. Make sure you tune in. 👂🎙

Miko Peled and Robert Martin: One on One

Author and activist, Miko Peled, hosts a discussion with longtime friend and Australian activist, Robert Martin. From Palestine to Maradona: no topic will go untouched and no stone left unturned.

The Collective Assassin: the insecurity and victimhood behind Israel’s militarism

This article discusses the psychology and manipulation of that psychology that justify Israel’s security doctrine and, by extension, the adoption of targeted killing as a state policy.

Making Jerusalem Jewish Again

This week we raised awareness of the organisation Ateret Cohanim, led by an Australia-born Daniel Luria. From the event post:

Australian-born Daniel Luria works for Ateret Cohanim, an Israeli organisation and yeshiva located in the Muslim Quarter of the Old City of Jerusalem. Founded in 1978, Ateret Cohanim works for the creation of a Jewish majority in the Old City and Arab neighbourhoods in East Jerusalem. It arranges for Jewish acquisition of Arab properties, a complex and sometimes dangerous undertaking, thus expanding the Jewish “footprint” in Jerusalem.

This is clearly in violation of international law and considered a UN violation. The organisation has come to the attention of the UN in the past.

The organisation encourages the construction of settlements in East Jerusalem, a Palestinian territory. UN Resolution 2334: December 23, 2016, condemned Israel’s construction of settlements in all territory occupied since 1967, including East Jerusalem. If you want to understand who the organiser is, check this out: Louis Theroux – Ultra Zionists

To leave any comments for the organiser, go to the above page and select Discussion. There is only one post and you can leave a comment there.

Some further information relating to a news item about the organiser, aired by 60 minutes in 2018.

To report to ZOOM:
Webinar ID: 3165713105


The US, Israel, and the Arab-Israeli Conflict, 1917-2020
by Jerome Slater

“In 1973, Abba Eban, the eloquent Israeli diplomat, said: “The Arabs never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity,” an argument—better said, a myth—that was widely accepted and continues to have a huge impact on how the Arab-Israeli conflict has been understood in Israel, the United States, and most Western states. But that assessment was wrong then, and wrong since—if anything, the converse is close to being the case. One of the central purposes of this book, then, is to correct this myth, both in the interests of historical accuracy and in an effort to pave the way for policy changes in Israel and the United States.

The historical record, examined in detail in this book, demonstrates that it has been Israel, far more than the Palestinians and the leading Arab states, that has blocked fair compromise peace settlements.”