Read MoreShames Mousa interviewed about her family’s Nakba experience.
Palestine Remembered interviews Australian Palestinian refugee Shames Mousa about her family’s Nakba experience. https://www.3cr.org.au/palestine/episode-201812150930/interview-shames-mousa-about-her-familys-nakba-experience From the 11th to the 15th please continue to wear the keffiyeh remembering Nakba Day. 549
Read MoreOceans Of Injustice
Another brilliant resource from Farah Nabulsi. Oceans of Injustice aims to raise people’s consciousness of the Palestinian struggle for freedom, justice and equality. https://www.oceansofinjustice.com/ Farah’s new film, The Present, has qualified for the Oscar awards. 543
Read MorePalestine Remix
A fascinating site that not only has many great resources on Palestine but allows the visitor to create their own story, or remix, from the available content. Our interactive database of more than 530 Palestinian villages destroyed during the creation of Israel marks the first time that the data contained in the Atlas of Palestine (Salman Abu […]
Read MoreDelegitimizing Solidarity: Israel Smears Palestine Advocacy as Anti-Semitic
https://jps.ucpress.edu/content/49/2/65 Ben White – Journal of Palestine Studies An interesting and well researched article from the Journal of Palestine Studies, that sheds light on the tactics used to delegitmize Palestinian advocacy and the lengths that have been taken to battle campaigns such as BDS. For example, the establishment of GONGO’s and organisations such as NGO […]
Read MorePalestine in the sun of the black radical tradition
https://nakbafiles.org/2016/10/27/palestine-in-the-sun-of-the-black-radical-tradition/ 519
Read MorePalestinian Prisoners Day zoom rally
https://m.facebook.com/JewishVoiceforPeace/videos/579521642659266/ Zoom Rally to Free Prisoners from Rikers Island to Palestine. #PalestinianPrisonersDay: JVP’s Executive Director, Stefanie Fox hosted an incredible lineup of speakers at a Zoom Rally of more than 500: Speaker included: Marc Lamont Hill, Professor of Media Studies and Urban Education at Temple UniversityAhed and Bassem Tamimi, Nabi Saleh, PalestineMariame Kaba, Organizer and […]
Read MoreThe Colonization of Palestine: Rethinking the Term ‘Israeli Occupation’
There is some debate around the use of the term “occupation” and many have issues with only talking about Palestine in relation to occupation. The following article sheds some light on this matter. https://www.foreignpolicyjournal.com/2018/06/08/the-colonization-of-palestine-rethinking-the-term-israeli-occupation/ 497
Read MoreRadical Futures: When Palestinians Imagine
“We must tell stories that are different from the ones we’re being brainwashed to believe…Remember this: another world is not only possible, she is on her way.” – Arundhati Roy Radical Futures: When Palestinians Imagine 480
Read MoreMicrosoft sells stake in Israeli facial recognition company
https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/tech-news/microsoft-sells-stake-israeli-facial-recognition-company-n1170781 From the article: “Holder and his team at the law firm Covington & Burling conducted an audit of AnyVision starting in October 2019 after NBC News and other news outlets including Forbes and Israeli business publication TheMarker reported that the facial recognition startup was surveilling Palestinians throughout the West Bank.” Microsoft needs to be commended for taking […]
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